Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tomato Sprouts

I have some tomatoes sprouting this morning, 4 days after planting. I leave this tub in the window during daytime and at night I cover it, and put it on a heating pad. The pad warms the soil and speeds up germination.

In a few days, I'll start putting the tub under a florescent light in the evenings, until about 9pm. This gives them a lot of light, which is energy, and they'll grow wide and leafy, instead up spindly, which is the problem with a lot of store bought plants.

At about 6 weeks old, I'll put each plant in a separate container and give them as much sun as I can, and start putting them outside on the porch when the temperature allows it. This hardens the plants and gets them ready for the Kansas winds.

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