Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Transplants and Eggs

I put all the spinach and cabbage transplants in the cold frame today, and I'm letting them get some sun before I cover them this evening. They're right on track to be the first to be moved to the field come warmer weather.

My hens are laying really well lately. The warm weather has them thinking it's spring and nature tells them to crank up production. I have a hatch due this coming Sunday, and another in April. I'm looking to triple my flock size, so
I can keep up with the sales demand. Fresh eggs are like gold nowadays.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Plants are Looking Good

It was a sunny and warm weekend, and all the plants look a lot better for it. The turnips in the cold frame are really growing and there's even more size to the spinach.

I have all these transplants that
will be ready to move into the cold frame in a few weeks, but I was hoping the turnips would be more mature and ready to harvest at
that time, and they're not.I'll have to build another one like it for the transplants.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Return of Warm Weather

Looks like we're in for another warm spell. I put all the cold weather seedlings out thins morning to get some sun. 

It was 26 degrees at the time, but that's no problem for cabbage and it's family members. These will all go in a cold frame to grow into good size transplants, which will be put out at weekly intervals, so I don't lose all of them to a cold snap. It's still a gamble, but, why not?

I have 16 tomatoes, and 6 pepper plants growing in the windows, along with a few very early cucumber and squash seedlings. These
can't go outside until the temperature reaches 60 or so, but I think we're going to hit that tomorrow, so I'll try to get them some sunshine. These will be potted up and will be moved to the sun in the daytime and back in the house at night. Hoping to get some early produce from them.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cold Morning and Warm Water

It got really cold last night, down to 7, and I haven't checked the turnips and spinach in the cold frame, but from what I've seen this winter, I'm sure they're ok.
All the animals love warm water on a cold morning and they congregate around the bowls like office workers at the coffee
machine. I'm thinking that warming the water in the mornings helps my hens with egg production. It's just a theory, but I'm guessing the energy they'd be putting into warming themselves is put into making eggs, so I'll keep doing this all winter. I could be dead wrong too.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cheap Seeds at Walmart

I picked up some really cheap seeds from Walmart, and as a test, I planted 18 cabbage in an egg carton. To my surprise, every single
one sprouted. I've always been leery of cheap seeds, but I went back and bought a bunch more.
At 20 cents a package, it's a heck of a savings.